Dijkhuis MeteoManagement
The Weather is Your Profit


Your best weather information world wide. Together with Dijkhuis MeteoManagment you get it. 

Dijkhuis MeteoManagement always uses weather information of the best resources. Resources such as the world leading European Centre for Medium Range Weather forecasts in Reading, United Kingdom. For you Dijkhuis MeteoManagement also carries out relevant weather observations.

This website gives you information about Dijkhuis MeteoManagement. Please feel free to call +31-346-555325 or to call +31-6-55855410

Luit Jan Dijkhuis. Consultant of Dijkhuis MeteoManagement

About us

You about us

Das Vorteil mit Dijkhuis MeteoManagment legt in der Planung (400ha patatoe farm in Germany).

Dijkhuis MeteoManagement is an addition to my climate computer (10 ha pepper in The Netherlands, 40 ha pepper in Egypt).

Your Weather forecasts are perfect! (Athletes during a world rowing championship in The Netherlands). 

Dijkhuis MeteoManagement delivers good weather forecasts. We had perfect light (Film crew in South-Africa).

We about us

Dijkhuis MeteoManagment is eager to cooperate. Together we create extra value. In this topic we are world leading. It is important that you tell about your goals. Than we make a valuable cooperation together. 

In our first contacts we look how far you are weather dependent. Than Dijkhuis MeteoManagement makes your weather information. You get positive, very surprising weather information. Together we look how far the weather information of Dijkhuis MeteoManagement is contributive for you. 

Dijkhuis MeteoManagement has experience with letting apply weather information since 1970. After that, Luit Jan Dijkhuis of Dijkhuis MeteoManagement completed his studies at the agricultural university of Wageningen in The Netherlands. 

Dijkhuis MeteoManagement works together with captains, copilots and crews in civil and military aviation, owners and staff of multinational intercontinental agricultural enterprises, safety officers at events, fairness committees at world championships, film directors and you. As long as you are very interested in the weather. 

Together with you Dijkhuis MeteoManagement delivers you applying weather information. Enjoy your result! 

In this way you get the best weather information in the world. 

News about us

4 December 2007
Heinz Goβling gives an interview with trade journal "de Boerderij".

1 November 2007
Hanneke Maas participates in trade journal "de Boerderij" competition "De Uitdaging". Dijkhuis MeteoManagement was allowed to deliver weather information to Hanneke. 

Please look as well at tip lead to the solution

Hanneke, good luck!

Management of Dijkhuis MeteoManagement

Services, prices, offers and quotation


Together with you Dijkhuis MeteoManagement lets you apply weather information. You alone or you with your team. We set down which weather information is most contributive for you in the broadest sense of the word. Dijkhuis MeteoManagement is able to deliver this most valuable weather information to you as best in the world. 

Dijkhuis MeteoManagement tunes your weather information to your products and processes. In this way several forms of weather information which Dijkhuis MeteoManagement delivers to you have evolved. Amongst this weather information are weather alarms, weather warnings, weather monitoring, weather bulletins, weather briefings, weather observations, weather interviews. Dijkhuis MeteoManagement works from your location or from Dijkhuis MeteoManagement his weather room in Maarssen, The Netherlands. Together we develop further meteorological products and services. 

In this way you enhance your business surprisingly. You get business enhancements you'd never thought of in advance. A little better weather information can mean decisive extra value for you. Dijkhuis MeteoManagement delivers you the most extra value world wide. 

The registered process of Dijkhuis MeteoManagement goes as follows. MeteoScan(sm), MeteoMessage(sm), EasyMeteo(sm)

Agricultural services

Arable farming

You are as an arable farmer the whole year interesting for the agricultural meteorologist.  As well as in the caretaking period, the harvest period and the storage period of your crops. Just contact us and see the extra results you gain with Dijkhuis MeteoManagement. 


Do you work in the outdoor horticulture or in the greenhouse horticulture? Please have a look which extra result Dijkhuis MeteoManagement delivers by you. Your colleague horticulturists are regular customer since the year 2002 of Dijkhuis MeteoManagement. 

Livestock farming

You can as a cattle farmer have Dijkhuis MeteoManagement watch at your company. Together you determine the ideal time of mowing. For a better quality animal feed and a better quality milk. Probably you know more processes and products yourself of which we can enhance the results. 

Fruit growing

Warnings for night frost and hail are important for you. You can contact Dijkhuis MeteoManagement. 

Further agricultural services 

Please contact Dijkhuis MeteoManagement to interview your weather dependent cultivation. Surprise yourself about the extra results you get with Dijkhuis MeteoManagement at the application of weather information. 

Events services

Sport events

You have a sport event with a maximum societal impact. You organise world championships. Or you have a smaller scale sport event. Feel free to contact Dijkhuis MeteoManagement. You will have a wonderful result. Fine for spectators and athletes. 

Other events

You are organising an event. It is nice to anticipate well on the weather. Dijkhuis MeteoManagement has a broad experience to let you apply your weather information. In this way you respond to the weather agily. For an ultimate event experience. 

Film services

Do you want to make a wonderful shoot? For a commercial or other goal. Dijkhuis MeteoManagement has on the Northern and Southern hemisphere extended experience with film crews to make your film work a success. 

Case law services

The weather can support or diminish your interests. You can prepare for the weather by cooperating with Dijkhuis MeteoManagement or insurance yourself. In case of weather insurances it is nice to get quality work of Dijkhuis MeteoManagement. Dijkhuis MeteoManagement makes an expert report of the occurred weather. To support your legal position. Dijkhuis MeteoManagement can represent you. This gives you a pleasant feeling. 

Other services

You are weather dependent. Feel free to discuss with Dijkhuis MeteoManagement. Dijkhuis MeteoManagement has experience with all the weather, globally. You can with a rest assured heart exercise your business. And who knows you suddenly get the weather with which you exceed your own expectations. 


Prices which Dijkhuis MeteoManagement uses in 2023 are: 

  • Euro 330 for a MeteoScan(sm)
  • Euro 1320 for a year subscription,
  • Euro 330 per day subscription,
  • Euro 20 per weather bulletin. 

Please ask which prices are suitable for you. The above mentioned prices are valid for certain processes and products.  


Please ask which offers are suitable for you. The above mentioned offers are valid for certain processes and products.


Contact, route, data

Luit Jan Dijkhuis
Ab Degenplein 12
3602 ZT Maarssen
The Netherlands
Telephone +31(0)346-555325 or +31(0)6-55855410



You can plan your route. Please click on the i. 


Luit Jan Dijkhuis is a university graduated meteorologist MSc at the Wageningen University and Research in Wageningen, The Netherlands. 

Banking data:

  • iban nl74 rabo 0326 4711 38
  • bic rabonl2u


Dijkhuis MeteoManagement carries:

  • general terms of business
  • a privacy statement and a processing register on general data protection regulation

Chambre of Commerce Utrecht 01088502
VAT number Dijkhuis MeteoManagement: 168886662B01